Vital Strategies Collaborates with Indian Governments to Combat Lead Exposure in Children
Written by Arushi Sharma
Vital Strategies stands at the forefront, joining forces with local Indian authorities to combat the pervasive issue of lead exposure affecting children.

Vital Strategies, in tandem with local governments, is spearheading crucial initiatives to combat lead exposure among children in India. Lead exposure poses severe health risks such as anaemia, hypertension, and developmental issues, significantly impacting children's well-being and the economy.
According to reports, 23 Indian states exhibit higher-than-recommended average Blood Lead Levels (BLLs) in children, contributing to 26% of global lead-related deaths. This exposure also incurs a significant economic burden, causing an annual loss equivalent to 5% of India's GDP.
Vital Strategies' collaboration involves designing and executing blood lead surveillance programs in various states like Bihar, Tamil Nadu, and Maharashtra. These initiatives aim to integrate blood lead testing into routine pediatric care, identify sources of lead exposure, and raise awareness to minimize risks.
In Bihar, the organization partnered with local health authorities and research centers to conduct statewide lead poisoning surveillance, urging immediate action to control lead contamination. Similar efforts are underway in Tamil Nadu and Maharashtra, focusing on testing, capacity-building, and recommending preventive measures.
Additionally, collaborations with global organizations and high-level discussions aim to ameliorate the lead poisoning burden. Vital Strategies envisions scaling up these programs nationwide, integrating blood lead testing into existing health frameworks for a comprehensive approach to prevent childhood lead poisoning in India.