Mizoram Launches ABDM Microsite to Transform Digital Health Services
Written by Susi, Arushi Sharma
Mizoram's innovative ABDM Microsite is now live, ushering in a new era of digital health services transformation. This forward-thinking initiative is poised to reshape healthcare accessibility and delivery in the region, harnessing the power of technology to improve citizen well-being.
Mizoram pioneers ABDM Microsite, providing digital health services through all healthcare facilities, becoming the first Indian state to do so as part of the NHA's 100 Microsites project for Ayushman Bharat Digital Mission adoption.
Speaking on the significance of the project, CEO, NHA said,
“The 100 Microsite project under ABDM is a very important initiative for reaching out to the bulk of small and medium scale healthcare providers from the private sector. The concept of Microsites was envisaged to provide a strong impetus to healthcare digitization efforts across the country. The efforts by Mizoram team have resulted in Aizawl becoming the first ABDM Microsite in India. NHA looks forward to similar enthusiastic response from other state teams.”
In Aizawl, at the Microsite launch event on August 23 2023, Betsy Zothanpari Sailo, Additional Secretary, H&FW Mizoram said,
“We firmly believe that digitisation of health services can help us achieve our goal of universal health coverage. With digital services at our health facilities and secure access to digital health records, the patients shall benefit the most. Our teams made conscious efforts in closely studying the process of ABDM enablement and have selected an implementation partner to operationalize our first Microsite in Aizawl. We are all geared up to take the implementation in mission mode and ensure that the Aizawl Microsite lives up to its role as the first ABDM Microsite in the country.”
ABDM Microsites are regions dedicated to enrolling small healthcare providers. They aim to encourage providers to join ABDM core registries and implement digital solutions, and are managed by State Mission Directors under NHA leadership.
An organization supports outreach and public awareness. Through ABDM-enabled PHR applications, patient records may be connected to ABHAs.
Based on pilot experiences in Mumbai, Ahmedabad, and Surat, Mizoram is the first to launch. Other states, including Andhra Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh, and Maharashtra, are making progress with ABDM Microsite adoption.