Crucial Genes Unveiled in Cancer Chemoresistance
Written by Susi, Arushi Sharma
The battle against cancer often involves chemotherapy as a potent weapon, but a formidable opponent has emerged: chemoresistance. Cancer cells can develop a resistance to chemotherapy, rendering these treatments less effective.

Queen Mary University of London researchers have identified two genes that are responsible for chemotherapy resistance in patients with head and neck cancer. Previously resistant cancer cells become susceptible to chemotherapy by suppressing one of these genes. These genes, NEK2 and INHBA, are active in a variety of cancer types, implying that they have broader implications.
The researchers also discovered two substances, Sirodesmin A and Carfilzomib, in a chemical library that can sensitize resistant cancer cells to the chemotherapy drug cisplatin. This discovery suggests that existing drugs could be repurposed for less expensive and more effective treatments.
The study published in Molecular Cancer demonstrates that silencing NEK2 and INHBA genes can reverse chemoresistance in head and neck squamous cell carcinoma, using data mining to confirm their role in multidrug resistance.
Dr Muy-Teck The, senior author of the study from Queen Mary University of London, said: “These results are a promising step towards cancer patients in the future receiving personalized treatment based on their genes and tumour type that give them a better survival rate and treatment outcome.”
Unfortunately, there are lots of people out there who do not respond to chemotherapy or radiation. But our study has shown that in head and neck cancers at least it is these two particular genes that could be behind this, which can then be targeted to fight against chemoresistance.
“Treatment that doesn’t work is damaging both for the NHS and patients themselves. There can be costs associated with prolonged treatment and hospital stays, and it’s naturally extremely difficult for people with cancer when their treatment doesn’t have the results they are hoping for.”