Advancements in Alzheimer’s Diagnosis in India

Written by Susi, Arushi Sharma

In recent years, India has witnessed significant advancements in Alzheimer's disease diagnosis. These breakthroughs are transforming the landscape of healthcare and dementia management across the country.

Advancements in Alzheimer’s Diagnosis in India
Learn about innovative technologies and approaches that are improving early detection and management of Alzheimer's disease in the country.

The rising frequency of Alzheimer's disease in India exerts a significant strain on the economy and healthcare system. This impacts not just individuals, but also families and communities, compounding the nation's social and economic problems. To reduce these impacts and manage the rising healthcare burden, early action is critical. Access has been prioritized in efforts to Alzheimer’s diagnostic tools, increasing awareness, reducing stigma, and ensuring widespread availability of innovative tests.

Access has been prioritized in efforts to Alzheimer’s diagnostic tools, increasing awareness, reducing stigma, and ensuring widespread availability of innovative tests.

Blood-based biomarker tests like AD-Detect Blood Test are revolutionizing early Alzheimer's detection by identifying disease-linked biomarkers. AI integration enhances diagnostic accuracy, while neuroimaging techniques aid in diagnosis. Emerging tools include genetic testing, digital biomarkers, and machine learning algorithms.

Early detection empowers proactive care, lifestyle modifications, and informed decisions. With Alzheimer’s prevalence rising, embracing these advanced diagnostic methods is urgent to improve detection rates and offer timely interventions.

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